Office Action Response:
Our substantive office action response services is a long-term legal project where The Creator’s Law Firm addresses any complex trademark application issues as communicated by the Trademark Office via an office action. The legal team will perform a high-level review of the office action issues, conduct in-depth legal research to assert the client’s trademark rights for registration, gather evidentiary support, and draft a robust legal brief and/or amend the trademark application to respond to the Trademark Office’s office action within the required deadline.
Examples of Substantive Office Actions:
2(d) likelihood of confusion, 2(e)1 merely descriptive refusal, Section 2(e)2 Geographically Descriptive Refusal, failure to function refusal, Generic Advisory, Supplemental Register, Title of a Single Work
Trademark Assignment:
Legal services to prepare and file the required documents to transfer ownership of a pending trademark or existing registration from one owner to another. (Note: Intent-to-use trademark applications cannot be assigned, but for assigning/selling the entire company.)